Friday, January 15, 2010

A is for...

...Archery and Abacus!!

I decided I needed to get into the challenge at Inchy by Inch, so I could make a start on my 600 inchies goal, and the theme for this week is 'A'. Here are my two little gems :) :


Fiona said...

Hi Amaranth - welcome to inchy blog - so glad you found us - wow 600 inchies ! I hope we can help you with your goal. Great inchies - is the second one an Abacus - that's inspired!!!

K J D said...

Great inchies..... good luck with your goal!


daisy said...

Wow the abacus inchie is so clever & original. I've not seen an inchie like that before.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the letter B.

Roberta said...

Absolutely gorgeous.

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Fabby 'A' inchies..
very original :)
love the use of beads on your second inchie!